Evangelical Universalist Radio Discussion

On Sat 17th October Premier Radio broadcast a discussion on The Evangelical Universalist. I was in discussion with Laurence Blanchard on Justin Brierly's radio show "Unbelievable".
You can now listen online via www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable where it is currently the "featured" show and will remain in the archive, at the bottom of the page, as the show of 17 Oct 09
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Laurence is a pastor from California. His PhD was on universalism and it will be published by Paternoster next year. He is a good Christian brother and one of few traditionalist theologians who really understands universalism.
The discussion is a good 'issue-opening' one. Of course, Laurence and I would warn anyone who wanted to listen to it that the requirements of the radio format meant that we had to skip through subjects fairly fast. As a result sometimes I had the last word on a topic and sometimes Laurence did. Much as we'd both have loved the chance to pursue these lines of thought more rigorously that would have been inappropriate. So don't expect the debate to settle anything.
I would like to honour Laurence for defending the traditional view of Hell in an unwavering yet very gracious way. I hope that this discussion models how Christians can disagree in love.
I found it very refreshing to hear you admit of your fallibility in all this. That isn't so common in my experience. It certainly heightens the perception of risk that we take when we make our commitments.