Final cover for my new book, "The Biblical Cosmos"


Anonymous said…
1. I love the cover. 2. I love the title. I really wanted to add something a bit more substantive, but this is all I can muster at present.
Terry Wright said…
Any more clues as to the specific content, Robin?
Keen Reader said…
Nicer cover than anything else I've seen from Wipf & Stock.
Robin Parry said…
Thanks y'all.

Terry—clues to the content will be forthcoming. I don't want to reveal too much too soon. It is not out until November
Terry Wright said…
Then I shall be patient, Robin.
Anonymous said…
your daughter does excellent art!
Robin Parry said…
That is very kind of you anonymous, although the painting on the cover is by Van Goch, not my daughter. (The dragon was added by the cover designer.)

The final cover will be a version of this one.
tom n said…
Lovely book.
I was going to accuse you of nepotism in the choice of your illustrator, but the dictionary says that it comes from the word for "nephew". So daughters don't count!
Terry Wright said…
One of your colleagues has given some of the game away, Robin: :)

By the way, any chance of a review copy for me to review on my blog, please?
Robin Parry said…

Gosh! That was very kind of him! I'm flattered.


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