Robin's "Rethinking Hell 2015" talk
Someone has just posted my talk from the 2015 Rethinking Hell talk on YouTube.
I have not seen it, but I was there and can (more or less) remember it.
I have not seen it, but I was there and can (more or less) remember it.
I especially liked how you talked about narrative. (Sorry if this post is incoherent/rambly, by the way - lots of thoughts.) You talk about the centrality of narrative in the discussion of salvation. The narrative of Christ's life ends with a finality - death on a cross. Yet even from that place of total, irrevocable finality, God finds a way out of no way! If that's what God will do in life, why not in the life to come? It just makes sense that final victory would come eventually, even if that seems hard to imagine now.
Where can I get it now?