Die, Heretic Scum!


"Nick" said…
As I recall, the split was over whether, while preaching, the pastor had to wear a robe, or a robe and slippers. But it might have been over whether he had to wear a robe, slippers and smoke a pipe. That might have been the split in 1927...

Anonymous said…
I heard this joke told in the setting of a bridge over the Clyde in Glasgow, where the first question was "Catholic or Protestant?" -- but I can't remember what other questions were used for the British version.

Anyway, nice to know the origin of this story -- and now a great cartoon to go with it!

Anonymous said…
Comedian Elmo Phillips used to tell this story: 'In a conversation with a person I had recently met, I asked, "Are you a Protestant or a Catholic?" My new acquaintance replied, "Protestant." I said, "Me too!" I asked, "What franchise?" He answered, "Baptist." "Me too!" I said. "Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?" "Northern Baptist," he replied. "Me too!" I shouted. We continued to go back and forth. Finally I asked, "Northern Conservative Fundamentalist Baptist, Great Lakes Region, Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Fundamentalist Baptist, Great Lakes Region, Council of 1912?" He replied, "'Northern Conservative Fundamentalist Baptist, Great Lakes Region, Council of 1912." I said, "Die, heretic!"

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